Hurrah! A New Post!

I stalk myself for two reasons: love for self and crazy paranoia. My narcissism is out of the question. I have had several exes all screaming in the best sarcastic tone they could muster: Because you're simply the best. (This current not-ex recently did.) Crazy paranoia because I am scared shitless of leaving Internet  footprints I don't really mean to. I hate those who dislike me from knowing something about me. Chances of that happening are a bit high knowing my love for social networking always keeps me posting about what I'm up to, and so we go back to the first reason.

Of course, I was googling my name and my search results amounted to nothing self-incriminating. They're just tweets and plurks. Facebook, thank God, was not included. Then, I stumbled upon this blog (which reminds me I have a StumbleUpon account. Whatever happened to that). I had so many things to write but I was so busy I didn't have any time for myself. I still am fucking busy. So here goes my second post for this year, hoping this redeems me. I hope I'll be here more often but I don't think so. The Holidays are the most stressful time of the year. I have another online job. My health has not been cooperating with me lately. Maybe not anytime soon. 

So long, I guess. 


Catharsis said...

I had to rack my brains for 30 seconds to understand moshi relatives. :p I blocked several of my cousins from FB because they were starting to comment on tagged photos of me. I will quit social networking the day my mother gets an FB account.

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