I ♥ my job. My compensation is not bad too. In fact, the only reason why my savings are a meager so and so pesos is because I've mastered spending more than earning. I'm trying to remedy that by having another part-time tutor job and I'll be getting an editing job too.
This week though is a different story. My passion for my job is put to the test. There are just too many unrealistic demands and questionable decisions. I work well under duress, you know. I can still give you outstanding results with the limited time I'm given. Give me the expectations I'm due. Do not baby sit me.
Of course, the reason why I'm even writing this is because I can't man up and tell the person because he/she is scary. Don't get me wrong I am not easily intimated but knowing what I know now, I am scared. This person is a nutcase, I tell you, with a history of ruining lives.
Destroy what destroys you. That has been a mantra I've always repeated but when faced with a nutcase, run. You'll go crazy fighting and they're pretty much broken anyway.
So there. I plan to not lose my footing over this. This period too shall pass. So I'm planning ahead now how my next four days will go. It's going to be Work + House + e-Book. No social networking. No binge eating too.
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